I-Chun, Who Had To Move To Europe

1 Dec


Listen to the brief interview with I-Chun. She is a writer living now in Europe.

On the first listening, take a top-down approach – going for the main information. Answer these questions:

1. Where has I-Chun lived?
2. Where is she now?
3. Why is she in Europe now?

Now, for close listening – supply the missing words.

My (1) ___________ I-Chun. I live in (2) ___________.  I used to live in California. I was born and (3) ___________ in Taiwan. Then my family (4) ___________ to the United States. And, uh, I work a (5) ___________ bit when went to school. Worked as a (6) ___________ again. Then I (7) ___________ to Alaska. I (8) ___________ there for a year and a half. Then in Alaska my then (9) ___________ [now they are married] gave me an (10) ___________ : “Leave me… (11) __________ me or leave me.” So I moved to Austria (12) ___________ year.

Key: (1) name’s, (2) Austria, (3) raised, (4) immigrated, (5) little, (6) reporter, (7) moved, (8) lived, (9) boyfriend, (10) ultimatum, (11) love, (12) last